The Opportunity Group
This website is being archived on 10/15/17. Visit our new site here. Members of the Opportunity Group are skilled speakers, professional development providers, authors, facilitators, and program evaluators.
This website is being archived on 10/15/17. Visit our new site here.
Services we offer include:
* Mobile Learning - BYOD, 1:1, and More * Two-Day Seminars--Quality Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century * Year-Long Cohorts * Conference Workshops * Meeting Facilitation * Technology Audits
* Mobile Learning - BYOD, 1:1, and More
* Two-Day Seminars--Quality Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century * Year-Long Cohorts
* Conference Workshops
* Meeting Facilitation
* Technology Audits
Here are some of the advantages our group offers:
* K-20 classroom and administrative experience * International recognition * Technology implementation specialists
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